Frequently Asked Questions

School Year FAQs

Q: When are yearbooks on sale?

A: Yearbooks are on sale each year from September 1 until we sell out. Online sales end on April 20. The only way to guarantee your copy is to order between September 1 and April 20 (in-person or online). We typically order a few extra copies; however, after April 20, all remaining books are only available while supplies last.

Q: How can I buy a yearbook, and how much are they?

A: There are three ways you can purchase a yearbook:

1. Credit card: Click here to visit our online sales site, enter our school code (13720), and place your order any time from September 1 through April 20. After online sales close on April 20, yearbooks may still be purchased using one of the other two methods below while supplies last.

2. Venmo: Scan the QR code above to send payment to @FreedomAreaSchoolDistrict. You must include “FHS Shawnee - Student’s Name” in the note to ensure that the sale is properly credited to your student. Please note: The account is managed by FASD Business Manager, Erin Bluedorn, whose name you’ll see when sending your payment.

3. Cash or check: Complete this form (which is also available to pick up in the main office or room 226), and return it to the high school with your cash or check payment.

Got it. So, how much does it cost?
Our early-bird special runs from September 1 through December 31, during which time customers can purchase yearbooks for $60 (that’s $10 off the regular price!). The special ends January 1, when all books will be on sale for $70.

Q: I can't remember if I bought my yearbook. Can you tell me if I did?

A: Check our most updated sales report. All sales are listed anonymously by grade, student number, sale date. If you have any questions, email us at

Q: When are senior portraits due, and what are the requirements for submission?

A: Please visit our Deadlines and Senior Portraits page for all of that information and more!

Q: How can I purchase an ad for my senior, and when are senior ads due?

A: Senior recognition ads are on sale from September 1 through late January (refer to Deadlines page for exact date) or until the space is filled; therefore, we recommend purchasing and submitting your ad materials as soon as possible. Everything you need to know about submitting your ad can be found on our Senior Recognition Ad Contract, which must be completed and submitted along with your payment, message, and photos before the our staff can begin creating your ad. When your ad is complete, our staff will send you a proof for your review. You’ll then have seven days to request any changes before the ad is placed in the yearbook.

Q: Can I donate a yearbook to a student in need?

A: Absolutely! And, on behalf of our staff, thank you in advance for your generosity. Please contact our adviser, Mr. Aaron Fitzpatrick, at to make arrangements for your donation.

Q: I'm a Freedom graduate and would love to buy one of my high school yearbooks. Is that possible?

A: Absolutely! We sell archived copies of the Shawnee of which we have an excess. All archived books are on sale for $100, and all proceeds benefit the Shawnee and student journalism at Freedom Area High School. Check out the Archives page for a list of available books, and submit the form if you'd like a copy!

Q: How can I get a hold of you if I have other questions?

A: Email us at, and we'll be happy to answer any question you may have.

Summer FAQs

 Q: I missed yearbook distribution. How/when can I pick it up?

A: All purchased unclaimed books can be picked up in the high school office during regular summer business hours (Monday through Thursday, 7:30 a.m. – noon; 1:00 – 3:30 p.m.).

 Q: Can I still buy a yearbook?

A: While online orders close April 20, we typically order a small number of extra yearbooks, available while supplies last. Email to check on availability. If we still have books available, we’ll make arrangements with you at that time for you to pick up your book in the high school office. Only cash or Venmo payments will be accepted for on-site purchases after May 1, as we are unable to accept checks after books arrive. Cash-on-hand is limited, so we respectfully ask that cash buyers have exact change.