Advertise with Us

Support student journalism and the Shawnee Yearbook at Freedom Area High School by becoming a patron in our 2025 book!

If you’d like to place an ad for your business in the 2025 Shawnee Yearbook, please remit your payment and completed contract to:

Shawnee Yearbook
1190 Bulldog Drive
Freedom, PA 15042

Enclose your ad, image(s), or logo(s) with your mailing, email them to, or work with our student staff to design a custom ad to suit your needs. We’ll create a design based on your specifications and even send you an approval proof before we place the ad in this year’s book. It couldn’t be easier to advertise with us!

For more information about placing an ad in this year's book, please email, or complete and submit the Business Ad Contract to the left. If you would like to create and submit your own ad, please refer to the ad size and resolution specifications on the contract.

We greatly appreciate your business and support!